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Vango Joro Air 450 Eco Dura Airbeam帐篷2022
- 投球时间:10分钟
- Flysheet and inners pitch together
- Vango的Sentinel Eco Dura 70d 4,000HH聚酯织物
- Vango的预倾角气梁
- 气管网板
- 大号午夜卧室
the name Joro has been in Vango’s range for a couple of seasons and for the new season they have brought it into the Eco Dura collection which is all about making the tent quick and easy to pitch while adding some premium features. The Joro Air Eco comes in two sizes (450 & 600XL), so you can easily choose how many you need to accommodate. The Airbeams are pre-angled to maximize internal room inside the tent and can be pumped up in seconds. A manual pump is supplied as well as a range of decent pegs. The tent is separated into three main areas; a sleeping area that can accommodate up to six people (four people for the 450) and there is a divider to allow privacy. The main living area is spacious enough which means on a rainy day you have enough room to feel comfortable and the front awning offers a great area to cook or leave your muddy shoes and boots before entering the lovely, clean-living area. The front awning door can be arranged into three positions (fully open, semi-open or closed) which means that you can use the area to suit your needs. The side door has the option to be used as a canopy by buying some king poles.
Joro Air坐落在Vango的新Eco Dura系列中,该系列旨在环保和耐用。整个范围都是由一次使用塑料制成的,每个帐篷都有一个等效的塑料瓶,以帮助显示Vango可以从少量废物中产生的东西。Vango将这一概念与它们编织织物的硬脑膜方法相结合,以提高材料的强度,而不必增加线的厚度。ECO织物的防水额定值为4,000mm HH,UV30+的UV保护系数;如果这还不够,那么织物还具有颜色,可帮助您从紫外线中保留颜色。
Due to the lightweight Eco Dura Fabric, it means that the weight of the tent is only just over 31kg which is impressive when you think how big it is. The Joro Eco couldn’t be easier to pitch thanks to Vango’s S.I Pro (Single Point Inflation), simply peg out the base of the tent, pump it up from one point (or let an electric pump do it for you) and guy the tent out. This whole process has been demonstrated by Mike in our own YouTube videos (as seen in the link below). Even though the tent can be pumped up from one point it has multiple deflation points to make packing away the tent a doddle; this is also helped by the Smart Pack Bag which gives you the option of compressing the tent before zipping it into the bag.
technical Specifications
- Weight: 21.8kg
- 包装尺寸:80x41x44cm
- 容量:4人帐篷
- 投球时间:10分钟
- 可调节的固定系统 - 允许帐篷在不均匀的表面上完美俯仰
- Airbeam®S.IPro-单点通货膨胀 - 具有10年的Airbeam®开发和测试经验,Vango引入了单点通货膨胀,这是通过Airspeed S.I Pro Valve快速轻松地通货膨胀的新型和革命性功能。我们的独特系统可确保俯仰时间最小化,而多个Airspeed™阀门有助于简单的放气。自隔离气贝®的附加特征可确保在不太可能发生的情况下,结构保持强大且功能性。专利申请中。英国专利申请号2008619.5
- AirZone Panel - Increases the airflow into the living space
- Bedroom Pockets - Conveniently positioned pockets for storing your essentials
- 带有整齐的电缆入口点 - 电源线的拉链入口点,带有触摸紧固件的缝隙,以防止电缆排除在外
- 清除通道卧室 - 更广阔的开口,没有进入卧室的步骤,可以更轻松地进入
- 双动作泵 - 所有Airbeam®帐篷提供的我们的人体工程学设计的泵可让您毫不费力地膨胀帐篷,配有压力表盘和方便的随身携带袋
- Double Living Area - An extra large living area giving more space to relax and unwind or store your camping essentials
- 放下门台阶 - 毫不费力地进入您的帐篷,然后下拉门。非常适合婴儿车和轮椅通道
- 家庭建筑卧室 - 不同的Wiidths为120/140/160厘米卧室,可为整个家庭提供灵活的生活
- 阻燃织物 - 遇到欧洲EN5912安全标准
- 前后风暴锚点 - 帐篷的前后额外的安全人员,在不利条件下保持心灵的平静
- 完全缝制的接地板 - 通过提供虫子和免费环境,可以增加帐篷的舒适性。接地板连接到飞行表上,带外部风暴裙,以提供所有圆形保护
- 完全胶带的接缝 - 所有飞缝接缝都是工厂胶带,可提供水密密封
- 经过全风和雨水测试 - 经过标准EN ISO 5912的天气测试。该帐篷适合在潮湿的天气中用于偶尔和周末露营。应该避免风暴和极端天气
- 高可见性GUYLINE-在弱光条件下易于看到
- 充气Airbeam®结构 - 在Airbeam®技术方面有10年的经验,我们是Pole Free Pitching的领导者。Airbeam®技术可确保您的帐篷在几分钟之内建立,创造出牢固而僵化的结构,使您在中期和平,并有更多时间享受假期(用双动作泵提供)
- 国王杆前门 - 增加帐篷的外部空间,加上国王杆创建阳光照相
- 特大号卧室 - 每人提供70厘米的睡眠区,允许舒适的夜晚睡眠,并有足够的空间容纳您的床头柜等等
- Lantern Hanging Points - Conveniently positioned to attach your lighting
- Mesh Doors - Both living room doors have integrated mesh panels that increase the flow of air within your tent while keeping bugs out
- 午夜间卧室——溢价昏暗的织物使用我n the bedrooms for a great comfortable night's sleep
- 多个网眼门 - 增加帐篷内的空气流量,同时将虫子排除在外
- 预角梁 - 与标准曲线相比,实现更大的内部空间。为风提供有效的支撑
- 预先连接的前部遮阳篷 - 提供额外的封闭空间,非常适合社交,用餐或存储
- Sentinel Eco Dura织物 - 开发着关注环境,我们采用了单一的使用废物塑料,并将其转化为我们的哨兵Eco织物。引入我们的Colourlok技术,并加上3,000mm HH防水等级,确保市场领先的质量和性能,并支持我们的室外环境。
- SkyTrack™II-灵活的悬挂系统,可让您轻松连接照明或存储。SkyTrack™系统确实使您可以量身定制帐篷以满足您的需求
- Smart Pack Bag - Full front of the bag drops down providing an area for your tent to be rolled and compressed straight into the bag.
- TBS®II张力带系统 - 确保帐篷在不利条件下执行,尤其是在强,可变的风中。张紧时,乐队以3分将杆子支撑,并减少侧向运动。调整TBS®II以消除松弛。不要过度张力,因为这可能会变形。可以在镇定的天气中被存放
- tinted Diamond Pro Windows - Providing additional privacy and insulation compared to our Diamond Clear windows
- 切换的内部分隔线 - 提供灵活的睡眠选择,使您可以拆分卧室以创建更多隐私或拆除以创建主卧室
- toggled Privacy Curtains - Provides privacy when required, can be rolled away when not in use
- 别墅构造 - 直立的侧壁增加帐篷内的高度,使您能够充分最大化内部空间
- Waterproof PE Groundsheet - Robust and hardwearing fabric to stand up to the rigours of the most active campers
牌 | Vango |
模型 | Terjoroaim23176 |
帐篷尺寸 | 4man tent |
材料 | 聚酯纤维 |
框架类型 | 充气的 |