露营活动: Geocaching
It’s basically a treasure hunting game that uses GPS-enable devices – such as your mobile phone to find the ‘treasure’. Using GPS coordinates to help direct you, the aim is to find that ‘geocache’, which is actually a container or cache, hidden at a specific location.
How to get started with geocaching on your camping trip
First off, it’s recommended that you register for the free Basic Membership at the Geocaching site. Now you can visit the “Hide & Seek a Cache” page where you can determine which ones are in the area that you’ll be staying in. Now enter the post code of where you’ll be and run a search.
there are several different types of geocaches which you can read about here. This is partly what makes is so much fun to do.
您可能会发现吸引人的事情是,您还可以使用Geocache应用程序来帮助您发现作为Geocache Hunt的一部分要进行的新散步和活动。
您可能想知道与露营的链接是什么。好吧,它可以进行一项伟大的活动 - 它可以提供一个有目的的散步,如果您与朋友一起度假,您甚至可以分成两支球队,并与自己的寻宝游戏玩得开心。您甚至可能想在您那里隐藏几个。如果您这样做,请告诉我们。
If you’re planning on taking a camping holiday this year, why not check out this season’s new family tents at our main website over at www.www.palicity.com